Products >> Throttle Body >>
Auto Parts Engine Fuel Injection Throttle Body 036133064D 036 133 064D 408237130003Z
- Product No.:GR-TB03
1,Item no GR-TB01 Throttle Body OE96817600 0280750494 wholesale manufacturer
Auto Parts Engine Fuel Injection Throttle Body OE 036133064D 036 133 064D 408237130003Z
OE: 036133064D 036 133 064D 408237130003Z 408237130003Z 408-237-130-003Z
Car make :VW Polo, LUPO,Engine 1.4 16V,
Type:OEM throttle body
Warranty:one year or 6000-8000kilometres
Place of origin:China
Delivery port: Shanghai/Ningbo/Guangzhou port
Leading time:5-35days
Throttle body can be customized as requirements.
Packaging: Foam or air bubble bag, Neutral boxes packing or customized as per requirement
Product Images
2,Production Process
3,Application cars
Auto Parts Engine Fuel Injection Throttle Body OE 036133064D 036 133 064D 408237130003Z
OE: 036133064D 036 133 064D 408237130003Z 408237130003Z 408-237-130-003Z
Car make :VW Polo, LUPO,Engine 1.4 16V,
Type: OEM throttle body
Warranty: One year or 6000-8000kilometres
4,Export Packing (brand box or neutral box or customized per requirement)
5,Oversea customers
Products Category
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Name: Coco&Lucia
Tel: +86-15021621840
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Whatsapp: 8615021621840
Add: Xiaotang industrial park, Fengxian district, Shanghai China